The main difference between a seller and a simple professional vendor is the ability of the latter to focus its attention in meeting the needs of the customer, pointing to a closing of the deal
The main difference between a seller and a simple professional vendor is the ability of the latter to focus its attention in meeting the needs of the customer, pointing to a closing of the deal that gratifies both.
In this course, online sales, we analyze what are the most effective methodologies and techniques that will help us achieve our goals, focusing on effective communication and persuasion.
During the course of this sale, we will analyze the various stages of selling, from initial organization and search for customers, until the close of the talks and after-sales service.
Some chapters of this course will consider selling the basics of NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and will discuss the creation of themes developed a rapport, tracing, etc… Etc…
The aim of this course is sold, is not to teach them to persuade the customer, but to relate to teach effectively.
Let us recall that the use of effective communication and persuasion, negotiation during a sale, not the means to manipulate the customer, but steal some aspects of his personality that can help us improve the seller-client relationship.
The use of NLP will help us to communicate effectively to the customer “why” in their interests to buy the “solution” proposal. Then, the customer will grow in serenity its purchase decision after having seen, heard and felt the benefits of the solution proposed by the seller.
In fact, a calm and reasoned purchase allows us to maintain and build customer loyalty, in contrast, a customer purchasing a product / service as persuaded by the seller, not aware that a purchase will result in hostility towards the person who sold the product, the customer is likely to be lost, and probably will talk to dissatisfaction with friends, relatives and acquaintances, branding the company and the seller.
We are extending in prefaces and proceed with the course of online sales, with the ‘desire to make a useful contribution to all sellers.
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