Another of the most common phobias (along with that for the price) is the phobia for the objections. Often it is difficult to treat, to deal with them, and sometimes you give up a sale due to small negative references made by the customer.
As we have said, it is important to believe in the product; otherwise you give up the first resistance to the sale.
We start from the point that it’s hard to sell something that does not have a weak spot, so we take into consideration the fact that the objections are part of the sales process and that the most important thing we must do is: learn to manage them. The objections tell us what the concerns of the client are and teach us how to better present the product to avoid them in future.
Below we will see how to handle objections from customers; an objection properly managed in most cases will result in the sale.
Let’s start with objections
Sellers who do not want to hear objections probably will never succeed in sales. To achieve significant financial need to be prepared to properly handle the various situations that arise during negotiations. Adequate preparation will allow you to become a successful seller.
Certainly you can learn to handle objections in a different way, this is possible through comparison with more experienced sellers or through a specific training, but it is important to be aware that each time, during a negotiation, you will face some objections and management of these that will give you the opportunity to stand out.
Now try to stop a moment and a list of all the objections that you hear every day from your clients or possible objections that can be moved from potential customers, make a list as complete as possible.
Anticipating objections
Essentially to become a seller who receives little or no objections must first know the problems that customers normally complain (see the list made previously), and then anticipate looking for a way to ridicule or make them trivial, so unlikely your partner continue to argue objectors.
In this way, you can virtually eliminate the possibility of receiving objections from the customers.
The way to anticipate the objections is critical to the success of this tactic and can work well with some customers and less well with others, so it is useful to refine the advances in order to make them satisfactory for most of our customers. Now take your list of objections and try to create advances satisfactory for use during the negotiation.
New objections
Of course you can still receive the objections that I had not thought of or that no one had ever placed there. In this case you should write the claim made by the customer to create a preview you can use in sales.
But there is still a case to be seen, the case where the customer’s objection is well founded. That is, the customer has reason to complain. In the event that the real problem is selling the product to the customer only if he is highly motivated to purchase, and we still communicate the problem to the company.
Selling despite objections
As mentioned above helps us to handle objections during the next sale, but what we do during the negotiations?
If we are convinced that such investment is still a good deal for our client, we will:
By observing the nonverbal behavior of the customer and trying to enhance the product to facilitate acceptance of likely faults.
Nonverbal behavior
Sometimes the objections are not truthful or otherwise have anything else, a tool that we have is non-verbal communication of the customer and then matching with what the customer has informed us.
If the claim made is inconsistent and can rise to the suspicion that the claim is only a ruse to cover other motives other or simply that the customer wants a discount on the selling price. This type of objection might make you lose time, you must find out what the real needs of the customer.
Enhancing the product
Our task will be to try to enhance the product so that the customer is satisfied with the purchase and buy despite the ‘objection.
Whatever the problem levers to be used are always those emotional, security, pleasure, quality, trust, comfort or anything else that can compensate for the objection and that the customer will lose if he does not buy the product.
Remember all that you sell are only feelings, you just find out what is the feeling that can overcome the objection and to close the sale.
In conclusion
The management of the objection is very important and we must learn to anticipate and neutralize them before they occur to avoid rejection of the purchase.
Create a list of objections and learn from them. During the next sales anticipatable and ridicule them, you will see that disappear.
In case there are new ones, put them in the list and do your best to make the sale using the leverage of values ​​that can counteract and overcome the objection.
With practice you will notice that customers will be less resistance and will increase your chances of closing the deal.